Today has been the perfect rainy day to test  out Tropic Skin Care’s new Slate Waterproof Smudge-proof Eyeliner!  But we don’t have to worry about offending our animal and bird visitors as all Zoe Hill’s Tropic Skin Care products are all plant extract-based and natural.

great and small tropic 1 great and small tropic 3

I tried a tiny amount of Hand Lotion which still now feels like wearing a silk glove (and trust me, these gardening hands don’t get much attention!). Zoe tells me a tiny amount is all you need and a single tube goes a long way.

And all her products are gentle and freshly produced every 2 weeks from the beauty kitchen at Tropic.  So no nasty reactions.

If you venture down and are looking for Zoe, just follow your nose – the smell is delicious!